Hello everyone, hope you are doing well on this winters day...
I'm staying warm and keeping myself occupied with the daily hustle and bustle. I've continued to contemplate my choices and the commitment I've made to practice more mindfulness each day.
Above, is a picture of Saffy, one of my fur babies. It's from a few years back when I was redecorating our sitting room. At that time I was using a lot of boho elements and wicker pieces that would be easy to move around the house.
One of the things I most admire about cats is their innate ability to simply relax and enjoy themselves. They walk with such a natural sashay that tells the story of self-satisfaction.
The day I brought those colorful pillows in to fluff them on the chair, Saffy quickly sat down and made herself comfortable. Granted, she's always been the type to take ownership immediately.
I regret that I probably sat in that beautifully ornate chair once or twice. I must have envisioned myself sitting down with a book over a cup of hot tea, but that never happened. I was off to the next thing, and the next...and the next.
That brings me to one of the main reasons I've been inspired to start this blog. Many years ago, before social media became what it is today, I was doing a little writing and blogging. I'm not really sure what happened but I do recall that as Instagram became popular I seemed to drift away from taking the time to write up a well thought out blog post.
It was all to easy to snap a picture right from my phone and post directly to my account. Did I still really want to take the time to download my images, write and edit a blog post? Would it even be read? Granted, I still had the desire to add something of myself and would try to write a little blurb alongside the many hashtags, but after some time it felt as though there were little point.
Afterall, those little boxed images go somewhere into cyberspace never to be seen again as more and more are quickly added to the que. Soon too, I found myself going down one rabbit hole after another. If I began searching for one thing I'd inevitably end up someplace else in not time at all. The mass amount of information, images and what felt like the entire world ending up in one little corner of the universe was mind numbing.
It's a difficult thing. As our world has gone in this direction at such great speed, doing something else is almost like going against the grain.
Yet, I'm opting to do just that.
You see, I want to take my time and write out a post. I want to share my perceptions and my ideas in greater detail. I want my images and my words to be in one body of work where I can go back and recall what I've done.
Some may feel more inspired with something else, but for me the nature of social media and the pressure to post something-no longer feels good. Slowing down, bringing my own ingenuity and purpose feels much more authentic and rewarding.
Now it's time for me to pour myself that cup of tea-finally. :)
Thank you for reading. Your lovely comments are truly appreciated. ~Jennifer